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What is your standard turnaround time on calibration?

3-5 business days. Expedited services are also available.

Do you offer expedited services?

Yes. Please contact us to learn more.

Customer Service

How do I contact customer service?

Please see our Contact page to determine your appropriate contact or dial 920-426-5894 and press 0.

Do you provide loaner equipment while a gage is out for calibration?

Yes, for specific items. If a particular gage is vital to your operations, please contact your local representative if we have a loan program set up for that type of gage.

Can you provide Out of Tolerance email notifications?

Yes. As this is not a standard situation, please contact your local representative if you are interested in setting this up for your organization.

Gage Management

Do you send equipment calibration notices when an item is due for calibration again?

Yes. We automatically send notices for every gage entered in Metrology360, which includes any gage we calibrate for you and even gages you enter yourself.

Does Fox Valley Metrology determine the calibration frequency of a gage?

No. The calibration frequency of a gage is based on many factors, such as:

  • The gage’s accuracy
  • The number of times a gage is used
  • The environment it is used in
  • The risks involved in not calibrating it frequently

All of which is best determined by the customer. In fact, we are not allowed to make this decision, per our ISO 17025 accreditation, due to the conflict of interest.

How do I access my certificates of calibration?

Fox Valley Metrology offers several options. First and foremost, all of your certificates are available to you 24 hours a day via Metrology360, our free online gage management system. We are also happy to mail, ship, email or fax you any paper copies if you prefer to maintain a physical filing system.

Is Metrology360 compliant with CFR Part 11?

Yes. Please contact your local representative to receive a copy of our software validation form.

On-Site Calibration

How do I set up an On-Site service event?

Please fill out the on-site request form or contact your local representative.

Can each of the items in your calibration scope be done on-site?

No. Please see our On-Site Capability Matrix.

Is there a minimum charge for On-Site Calibrations?

Yes. $250 of calibration is our minimum charge.

Do you charge for travel on your On-Sites?

Yes, outside of certain areas. Contact your local representative to learn if you fall within our free travel radius.

Travel charges are subject to a $110.00 per hour fee as well as lodging accommodations.

Please note that we frequently split travel charges among other companies in your area (view our Customer Heat Map). If you are able to be flexible with the dates of your On-Site event, we will be more than happy to coordinate this.

What information do you need to schedule an On-Site Calibration event?

A list of all of the equipment needed to be calibrated, desired dates for the event and any additional pertinent information (i.e. company specific safety requirements).


What is your outsourcing procedure?

Although Fox Valley Metrology maintains a very broad scope of accreditation, there are inevitably some items that fall outside of this. In this event, we partner with third parties that can provide the same caliber of service as Fox Valley Metrology for these items.

The items that will be outsourced are communicated with our customers in advance. All third party suppliers will perform in accordance with Fox Valley Metrology’s standard operating procedures (SOPs), or submit their own SOPs to Fox Valley Metrology for review and approval prior to use.

We will handle all of the logistics of transportation to and from the third party, and will upload the calibration certificate to Metrology360, our free online gage management system.

When outsourcing calibration, what if no ISO 17025 facility is found?

In the unlikely event there is no ISO 17025 calibration laboratory found to outsource calibration to, Fox Valley Metrology will document its search and will fully denote that the calibration being performed is not to ISO 17025 standards. Per our quality manual, this process conforms with our ISO 17025 accreditation, which in turn, will meet your ISO 9001 requirements.


What ISO 17025 level are your certificates of calibration?

ISO 17025 Level 4.

Do you require a PO before scheduling work?

A PO is required for any on-site calibration work.

For any work done at our facility or outsourced, a PO is only required prior to billing.

Do you have a published price list?

No. For pricing information, please contact your local representative or dial 920-426-5894 and press 0.

What are your payment terms?

Net 30 days. Please see our Terms & Conditions to learn more.

What are your warranties?

Fox Valley Metrology warrants that all services will be performed in a professional and workmanlike manner and shall conform to the quality standards set out in our ISO 17025 Accreditation for a period of ninety (90) days following acceptance by the customer.

Please see our Quality Guarantee to learn more.

Do your prices include certificates of calibration?

Yes. All of your certificates are available via Metrology360, our free online gage management system.

Additionally, all updates to certificates and labels are free of charge as well.

Do you charge for changing the general information (i.e. Gage ID, Gage Location, Gage Owner) on a certificate of calibration?

No. All of the general information is able to be edited from the customer’s end via Metrology360, our free online gage management system. Our certificates of calibration and calibration labels are then updated real-time and are able to printed directly from the customer’s desk.

What are your possible methods of payment?

Fox Valley Metrology is very flexible with setting up a payment plan with you. Most commonly, we receive a PO prior to each calibration event. However, many customers operate off a “Blanket PO” for the year, eliminating the hassle of requesting a PO from your Purchasing Department every time a calibration is needed. We also accept credit card payments. To learn more, please see our Terms & Conditions.

Do you require contracts?

Although we do offer annual service contracts, we do not require contracts from year to year. However, if you would like to enter a contract, you will lock in your pricing for the duration of the contract.

Do you enter into confidentiality clauses?

Due to performing work with many high profile customers, Fox Valley Metrology routinely signs confidentiality clauses. If you have items of a sensitive nature, we take this very seriously and will comply to any confidentiality clauses you may need to proceed.


What is the difference between an ISO accredited vs ISO compliant calibration?

A calibration lab can be one or the other. An ISO accredited lab is verified by a third party to meet all of the ISO 17025 requirements. An ISO compliant lab may meet these requirements, but this is not verified by a third party. While an ISO compliant lab may return the same results as an ISO accredited lab, the only way you can be sure the results are accurate is knowing that the service the lab performed is ISO accredited.

If a lab is ISO accredited, are they automatically accredited to calibrate all of my gages?

No. Nearly every calibration lab will have a different scope of accreditation than every other lab, based on the equipment and personnel at each location. This also holds true for multiple locations of the same company. Be sure to investigate the scope of accreditation from a calibration lab before committing to their services.

Do I need documented uncertainties with every measurement?

Yes. The International Laboratory Accreditation Council (ILAC) now requires this. Fox Valley Metrology provides these uncertainties for every line item measurement, free of charge.

Are your calibrations traceable to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology)?

Yes, all of our calibrations are. Fox Valley Metrology provides instant NIST traceability reporting via Metrology360, our free online gage management system.

What is the difference between ISO 17025 and other quality standards (i.e. ISO 9001, AS9100, QS 9000, etc.)? Why are you not accredited to these additional standards?

ISO 17025 is a standard that governs the operations of a calibration lab. Other quality standards such as ISO 9001 (any business type), AS9100 (aerospace) and QS 9000 (automotive) specifically govern the manufacturing of the industry it is intended for.

While Fox Valley Metrology calibrates thousands of gages that are used to manufacture products under these standards every year, there is no need for us or any calibration lab to be accredited to these standards as there is no actual manufacturing taking place during the calibration process. In other words, the additional standards are not applicable to the calibration of the gages used in these industries.

What information do you provide on your certificates of calibration?

Fox Valley Metrology provides all data available for each calibration, at no additional charge. This includes:

  • As Found Data
  • As Left Data
  • Measurement Uncertainty

To learn more, please click here.


Do you charge repair evaluation fees?

No. All repair evaluations and quotes are done free of charge.

Will repairs be announced before any charges are incurred?

Yes. All repairs are quoted, free of charge, prior to proceeding on any work.

Will the item be returned calibrated following a repair?

Yes. All repaired items are treated as normal calibrations afterwards and are calibrated to the same ISO 17025 standards.

What are your repair fees?

All repairs are billed at $85.00 per hour, plus materials. We provide free quotes prior to proceeding. There are no evaluation fees.

Shipping & Handling

Do you offer pick up and delivery?

Yes, as long as you are located within our pickup & delivery radius. We also welcome customer drop offs during our working hours. Please contact us today to request a pickup.

How do you handle logistics of shipping equipment?

You have several options.

  • Please check to see if you are within our Pick Up/Delivery range. If you are, please contact your Local Rep to schedule.
  • We welcome customer drop offs during our Working Hours.
  • You can ship your equipment via your preferred carrier. We default to UPS for return shipping purposes, but can accommodate any major carrier if you would like.