The biggest key to success of a smooth on-site calibration service event is a combined, cooperative effort between our two organizations.
To help make your event as easy as possible, we have provided a list of best practices, along with their corresponding time frames, to help you prepare for your upcoming on-site calibration event. None of these actions are required, but all will ensure the event goes smoothly as possible.
As Soon As Possible
Verify the Job Report is correct. If any equipment is to be added or removed from this list, please advise.
Plan for equipment that must return to Fox Valley Metrology, as noted in the Job Report.
Day Prior to Service Event
Clear designated area for calibration work to be performed.
Disassemble any equipment necessary to be calibrated.
Relocate equipment scheduled to be calibrated to designated calibration area.
Day of Service Event
Provide support for gathering equipment unable to be relocated prior and return when completed.
Provide internet access, if possible (wireless preferred).
Provide support for disconnecting equipment or permission for Fox Valley Metrology to do so.
What You Will Receive
A lead technician to coordinate actions of the entire Fox Valley Metrology service crew
Immediate access to certificates via Metrology360 (if internet access is provided)
Free transportation to Fox Valley Metrology of any equipment that must be calibrated there
A job summary report upon completion of the service event
A customer service follow-up
Please note:
Fox Valley Metrology is not responsible for the re-installation of the equipment following the service event.
A premium rate will be charged if significant downtime that could have been avoided through proper preparation is incurred. This includes waiting for gages to be organized and brought to our technicians, requiring technicians to locate gages, equipment disassembly or lack of assistance.
Our technician’s normal 8-hour workday includes travel time to and from your facility. Overnight trips are scheduled as needed to avoid lengthy travel times.