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Quality Associations

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations.

American Society for Quality (ASQ)

ASQ is a global leader in quality and consists of a community of passionate people who use their tools, ideas and expertise to make our world better.

National Conference of Standards Laboratories (NCSL)

NCSL International is a global, non-profit organization whose membership is open to any organization with an interest in metrology and its application in research, development, education, and commerce.

Trade Associations

American Foundry Society (AFS)

The American Foundry Society is the leading source of information for the metalcasting industry and on metal castings, providing a foundry and die caster resources on: metal casting, die casting, diecasting, aluminum, iron, steel, brass, bronze, copper, ferrous, nonferrous, cast metal, lost foam and investment casting.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

ASME is a not-for-profit membership organization that enables collaboration, knowledge sharing, career enrichment, and skills development across all engineering disciplines, toward a goal of helping the global engineering community develop solutions to benefit lives and livelihoods.

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

SAE International is the premier world resource for the design, manufacturing, operation, and maintenance of automobiles, aircraft, space vehicles, off-highway equipment, trucks, buses, trains, marine craft, engines, and self-propelled vehicles.

Aerospace Industries Association (AIA)

The Aerospace Industries Association is the voice of American aerospace and defense. We advocate for policies and responsible budgets that keep our country strong, bolster our capacity to innovate, and spur our economic growth.

Regional Associations

Tool, Die & Machining Association of Wisconsin (TDMAW)

The purpose of the TDMAW is to promote the growth and general welfare of the tool, die and machining community in Wisconsin through professional education for its members, encouraging member companies to offer apprenticeship opportunities, provide scholarships to students engaged in tool, die and machining at the high school and post-secondary levels.

Minnesota Precision Manufacturing Association (MPMA)

MPMA has become the leading voice of the precision manufacturing industry in Minnesota. As an association we have introduced, lead, and supported initiatives that will keep manufacturing in Minnesota a strong and vital component of the state’s economy.

Northeast Wisconsin Manufacturing Alliance

The NEW Manufacturing Alliance is a group of manufacturers, working with educators, workforce development, chambers of commerce and state organizations to promote manufacturing in our Northeast WI region. The Vision of the Alliance is that every northeast Wisconsin manufacturer will find the talent it needs.


Quality Digest

Today Quality Digest delivers feature articles and news on the quality industry via our e-newsletter Quality Digest Daily and on our website.

Quality Magazine

Quality serves the information needs of manufacturing professionals in quality assurance and process improvement through print and eMedia technology.

Precision Matters

Give your precision measuring equipment the care it deserves today.