SGU100A | Fox Valley Metrology SGU100A | Fox Valley Metrology Skip to main content
Rohde & Schwarz SGU100A SGMA Upconverter


The R&S®SGU100A SGMA upconverter extends frequencies up to 40 GHz. When connected to the R&S®SGS100A, they operate as a single instrument, providing one RF output and one analog I/Q input, covering 10 MHz to 40 GHz without modulation and 80 MHz to 40 GHz with vector modulation.

SGU100A Features

Key Facts

  • Frequency extension to 40 GHz with the R&S®SGU100A up converter
  • One RF output for the entire frequency range
  • Seamless integration into existing user interfaces
  • Lowest form factor and power consumption on the market
  • High performance up to microwave frequencies


  • Frequency Range: 12 GHz – 40 GHz
  • Output Power: -100 dBm to +15 dBm
  • SSB phase noise: ≤ –126 dBc
  • Harmonics: < -30 dBc
