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Sales Force & Material Testing Dual Column Measurement Systems

Dual Column Measurement Systems

Starrett Force Measurement and Material Test Systems deliver a reliable, accurate and easy-to-use solution for applications ranging from determining simple peak load measurement, through load/extension at limits, to more complex break determination.

Starrett Force Measurement and Material Test Systems deliver a reliable, accurate and easy-to-use solution for applications ranging from determining simple peak load measurement, through load/extension at limits, to more complex break determination.

Starrett L1 Force Measurement Systems comprise our innovative, entry-level computer-based force testing solution. Optimized for production and quality control testing, they are easy to setup, operate and maintain.

Starrett L2 and S2 Force Systems are manufactured to provide high performance test frames and multiple levels of software capabilities to perform demanding force measurement testing.

Starrett L3 Systems are optimized for users involved with material testing and characterization- the research engineer, the design engineer, the quality control technician, the test technician and others.

Measure With Certainty

Find the right tools to keep your measurements precise and repeatable.